This laboratory allows the microstructural characterization of different types of materials (metals, polymerics, mortars and concretes or biological materials) as well as the determination of their chemical composition. The experimental techniques available include optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and computerized micro-tomography. The properties of the main equipment are describe below:
OLYMPUS optical microscope model BX61, equipped with motorized microscope stage with controller. It has the Particle Inspector Analysis software for the quantification and classification of particles or pores accordint to their shape and size.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM), Zeiss Brand, model EVO MA 15. This equipment has the capability to work in high vacuum mode and also in variable pressure mode which allows the acquisition of images on non-conducting materials. The electron acceleration voltage reaches 30 kV and the magnification varies between x7 and x106. It has a X-ray microanalysis system by energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) that allows to determine the chemical composition of the materials analyzed
Micro-tomógrafo axial computerizado (μTAC) marca Bruker, modelo Skyscan 1172. Las características técnicas más reseñables son las siguientes: cámara de rayos X de 11 Mp con corrección de distorsión total, hasta 8000×8000 píxeles en cada capa, detectabilidad de detalles isotrópica de hasta 0.7 µm y un software para análisis de imágenes 2D y 3D. Los principales parámetros óseos que el μTAC es capaz de identificar son los siguientes: porosidad, volumen cortical, volumen trabecular, conectividad, grado de anisotropía, etc.