Service to companies

Business Service

The LADICIM (accredited by ENAC) provides services of microstructural and mechanical characterization of materials and components used in civil and industrial engineering to companies and / or institutions that so request by making available the equipment of the LADICIM and always without entering into competition with the private activity that could provide the same services.


Quality politics

The Laboratory Management, after considering the current trends in quality in the Test Laboratories and the experience that has been acquired in the last ten years as an accredited laboratory, wants to start a new stage firmly committed to the rules of good professional practice and with the quality of the tests that it performs for its clients, being our essential objective to work at the level established by the UNE-EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard and ensure that all our tests comply with the client’s standards, regulations and specifications that in each case they affect them.


In line with the expressed will, the Management undertakes to provide the necessary material and human resources so that the personnel involved in the testing activities are familiar with the documentation of the Quality Management System and with the implementation of the policies and procedures at work.

Consequently, I ask all laboratory personnel to assume and abide by what is established in our Quality Management Manual and in the documentation that develops it, whose implementation and monitoring are expressly entrusted to the Director of Laboratory Quality.


The most relevant means available to LADICIM are included in the following table:

Mechanical characterization

  • Dynamic universal uniaxial mechanical testing machines (100 kN, 250 kN and 1000 kN)
  • Grooved bench for dynamic multiaxial mechanical tests
  • Hydraulic presses for compression tests (up to 1500 kN)
  • Load actuator (up to 500 kN)
  • Static servohydraulic machine (up to 1500 kN)
  • Hydraulic and electromechanical machine with load cells of 10 N, 100 N and 500 N capacity
  • Metal hydrogen concentration detection machine
  • Alternative prestressing wire bending machine
  • 7-wire steel cord deviated traction machine
  • Wire relaxation machines and prestressing cords
  • Machine for tensile testing at low strain rate
  • Instrumented impact test equipment
  • Micro Durometer and Durometer
  • Auxiliary equipment:

Conventional extensometry equipment

  • Strobe tracking system
  • Environmental chamber for tests at high / low temperatures
  • Low temperature thermostatic unit
  • Profiles projector
  • Three-dimensional measuring table

Microstructural and crystallographic characterization:

  • Optical microscope
  • Scanning electron microscope
  • X-ray dispersive energy microanalysis
  • Image analysis and treatment system
  • General X-Ray Diffraction Service
  • Auxiliary equipment:

Precision cutter

  • Surface metallizer
  • Sample preparation bench for metallography


  • Heat treatment furnace battery
  • Salt spray chamber for accelerated corrosion testing
  • Roughness meters
  • Computer applications for finite element analysis