David Andrés
David Andrés is a predoctoral researcher at LADICIM.
David studied Road, Channel and Port Engineering at the University of Cantabria (2006-2011). His collaboration with LADICIM began in 2012, with the completion of the work entitled “Design of a machine for conducting Small Punch tests in creep conditions”, with which he completed the Master in Civil Engineering at UC (2011-2012 ).
He is currently doing his doctoral thesis, which focuses on the characterization of light alloys by means of miniature punching tests in creep conditions, thanks to the project “Characterization in creep-fracture conditions and stress corrosion using the Small Punch test”, with the support of an FPI research grant granted by MINECO.
- Conventional and fracture characterization of light alloys.
- Conventional characterization in creep and creep -fracture of light alloys.
- Miniature tests: application of Small Punch tests to creep-fracture processes.
David Andrés
Laboratorio de la División de Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Materiales
E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.
Avda. de los Castros, s/n
39005 Santander – Cantabria – ESPAÑA
Telf.: +34 942 20 09 18
Fax: +34 942 20 18 18
eMail: david.andres@unican.es