Structural integrity assessment of componets with low constraint

Paper Info


16th European Conference of Fracture: Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures

Año de publicación



Mecánica de fractura

Integridad estructural / análisis de fallo

Structural integrity assessment of componets with low constraint

Cicero González, Sergio | Gutiérrez-Solana Salcedo, Federico | Álvarez Laso, José Alberto |


An overall methodology for assessing constraint effects is presented. This work introduces constraint problem, analyses the
different sources of the in-plane loss of constraint, summarises current approaches and justifies the combination of some of
them in order to define an overall procedure. Also, a test programme developed in order to validate this new methodology
and its results are described.
From the results obtained, it can be stated that the application of constraint corrections bring the assessment near to the
structural reality of the component. It can reduce considerably the conservatism obtained when assessing low constrained
structural components.

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