Paper Info
Nuclear Engineering and DesignAño de publicación
Caracterización mecánica
Modelos numéricos
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics based methodology to characterize cracking behavior and its application to environmental assisted processes
Álvarez Laso, Jose Alberto | Gutiérrez-Solana Salcedo, Federico |Abstract
Cracking processes suffered by new structural and piping steels when used in petroleum or other energy installations have demonstrated the need for a cracking resistance characterization methodology. This methodology, valid for both elastic and elastoplastic regimes, should be able to define crack propagation kinetics as a function of their controlling local parameters. This work summarizes an experimental and analytical methodology that has been shown to be suitable for characterizing cracking processes using compact tensile specimens, especially subcritical environmentally assisted ones, such as those induced by hydrogen in microalloyed steels. The applied and validated methodology has been shown to offer quantitative results of cracking behavior and to correlate these with the existing fracture micromechanisms