Israel Sosa
Responsible Research Technician accredited mechanical laboratory
Israel Sosa is currently a PhD student at the University of Cantabria. He obtained his civil engineering degree in Caracas (Venezuela) in 2004. After five years of experience in the construction sector, he holds a master’s degree in building technology and management, in which he obtained the honorable mention for his thesis and discovered his passion for research by contributing to national R & D & I projects. In 2010, he completed a master’s degree in civil engineering research in which he began his research as a previous step to the doctoral thesis.
His main field of research in building materials is self-compacting concrete. Some of the objectives of the thesis project are: the design of very high strength concrete and the revaluation of industrial waste to be used as concrete additions.
He has contributed in different lines of research with recycled concrete manufactured with: construction and demolition waste, aggregates from crushing concrete, polyamide and black slags from electric furnaces.
Construction and demolition wastes as aggregate for recycled concrete under marine environments. Thomas C, Sosa I, Setién J, Polanco J.A, Medina C. Wastes: Treatments and Opportunities 2011.
Mechanical behavior of recycled aggregates from concrete waste. Sosa I, Thomas C, Setién J, Polanco J.A, Lombillo I. Wastes: Treatments and Opportunities 2011.
Mechanical characterization and durability of structural recycled concrete. Thomas C, Polanco J.A, Setién J, Sosa I. Design, technology and refurbishment of building. 2010.
Use of reinforced polymers and recycled in the manufacture of concrete acoustic screens. Carrascal I, Polanco J.A, Casado J,Diego S,Sosa I, Thomas C. Materiales Compuestos 2011.
Comportamiento a fatiga de alta frecuencia de hormigones autocompactantes de alta resistencia. Thomas C, Polanco J.A, Setién J, Sosa I. Anales de mecánica de la Fractura 2013.